The APCTP focuses on theoretical physics research, leading international programs in the Asia-Pacific region.
We isolated and functionally characterized this gene, which is named ApTCP2. ApTCP2 expression was detected in the root, stem, and leaf and was strongest in the leaf. ApTCP2 is deposited in thenucleus and exhibits no transcriptional activation ability in yeast.
The 35S::GFP-ApTCP2 construct comprised theCaMV 35S promoter and the sequence encoding the green fluorescent protein ( GFP) fused to the ApTCP2 gene.
Our results reveal that ApTCP2 plays multiple roles, including modulating leaf morphogenesis, affecting flowering and positively regulating leaf senescence, via miR319, and these effects areat least partially achieved by influencing JA biosynthesis.
The pENTR1A- ApTCP2 vector was obtained using T4 DNA ligase (TaKaRa), and the ligated product was cloned into the pMDC43 vector (Curtis Grossniklaus 2003) using theLR Clonase™ II enzyme mix (Invitrogen).
ApTCP2, an A. palmatum TCP transcription factor that exhibits differential expression in ‘Jinlinghuangfeng’ and ‘Jinlinghuangyu,’ acts as akey regulator of leaf morphogenesis, flowering time, and leaf senescence via miR319 in Arabidopsis.
What you eat really does have an impact on how effectively and efficiently you can provide energy to your working muscles. The body converts food into adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for fuel through several different …
Venue Pukyong National University, Jangbogo Gwan, Leadership Hall (3F) view the location Period September 23 (Mon), 2024 ~ September 27 (Fri), 2024 Overview Nuclear physics serves as a critical tool for …
Rugby is a sport that requires high levels of fitness, endurance, and strength. As such, understanding the energy systems used during rugby matches is essential for players looking …
Yourbody has three different metabolic pathways: 1. Phosphagen system (ATP-PC system) for immediate energy. Phosphocreatine (PC) is a molecule in your muscles that can make ATP in the blink of an eye.
512 Energy Systems 7 Chapter 7 This chapter should be cited as: Bruckner T., I. A. Bashmakov, Y. Mulugetta, H. Chum, A. de la Vega Navarro, J. Edmonds, A. Faaij, B ...
Human bioenergetics is an interesting topic. However, energy systems function is understood by few and/or can be confusing to many. Open a quality exercise physiology text and it can leave you saying "huh?" when …
The human body uses energy from food to fuel movement and essential body functions, but the body cells don''t get energy directly from food. After food is digested, the carbohydrates, protein …
Energy Pathways. Energy production is both time and intensity related. Running at a very high intensity, as in sprinting, means that an athlete can operate effectively for only a brief period, …
Energy systems play a crucial role in soccer, determining the quality and endurance of players'' performance throughout the game. In order to understand how players …
ATP Structure and Function Figure 1. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) has three phosphate groups that can be removed by hydrolysis to form ADP (adenosine diphosphate) or …
The anaerobic lactic system is essential because it provides a significant portion of your energy during high-intensity, shorter-duration activities, typically lasting from 30 …
Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) is an international non-governmental research institute for physical sciences. It is located on the Campus of the Pohang University of …
Warming cannot be limited to well below 2°C without rapid and deep reductions in energy system carbon dioxide (CO 2) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In scenarios limiting warming to …
Three systems are available for energy production in the muscles. The ATP-PC system for high-intensity short bursts. The anaerobic glycolysis system for intermediate bursts of relatively high …
The ATP-PCr energy system can operate with or without oxygen but because it doesnt rely on the presence of oxygen it said to be anaerobic.During the first 5 seconds of exercise regardless of intensity, the ATP-PCr is relied on almost …
Each of the three energy systems can generate power to different capacities and this varies within individuals. The best estimates suggest that the ATP-PC system can generate energy at a rate …
Welcome to our ultimate guide to the aerobic energy system, a vital component of human physiology and exercise science. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of …
Energy from ATP. Hydrolysis is the process of breaking complex macromolecules apart. During hydrolysis, water is split, or lysed, and the resulting hydrogen …
BTEC Revision Guide Energy Systems E1 The role of ATP in exercise Yes No. Do you understand the role of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for muscle contraction for exercise and …
Higher; Energy systems in muscle cells Response to exercise. During exercise when muscles do not get enough oxygen, lactate is produced. After exercise oxygen dept must be repaid.
The 22nd KIAS-APCTP Winter School on Statistical Physics. 2025-01-06 ~ 2025-01-10. International Joint Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond. 2024-12-09 ~ 2024-12-13
The anaerobic alactic energy system is synonymous with sprint training, weight training, and resistance training. It can be described as tackling absolute strength adaptations …
Simplified outline of the catabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, and amino acids in the synthesis of ATP. Bioenergetic systems are metabolic processes that relate to the flow of energy in living …
2- Después de haber seleccionado tu dispositivo, ¡ya puedes reproducir tu música favorita!A través del menú lateral accederás al modo ''Ecualizador''. Es en este apartado donde …
In this video I discuss the 3 energy systems in the body, atp energy, aerobic energy, anaerobic energy, adenosine triphosphate, creatine phosphate and ways t...
1011-13,(The 13thAPCTP Workshop on Multiferroics)。 2008, …
Physical components of a generic energy system supplying fuels and electricity (but not district heat) to end-users. An energy system is a system primarily designed to supply energy-services …
Quick revision. The energy systems work together to replenish ATP. The 3 energy systems are the ATP-PC, Anaerobic Glycolysis and Aerobic. The energy systems all work together at the …
The basics of the phosphagen system. The phosphagen system, also called the ATP-PC system, utilizes stored adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate (CP) …
ATP – Adenosine triphosphate is a nucleotide, which is mainly composed of the molecule adenosine and three phosphate groups. It is soluble in water and has a high energy content, …
A detailed analysis shows the method of computing Actual PT Circulation Period (APTCP) should be improved. An improved method of computing APTCP is proposed in this …
ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate, and is the energy used by an organism in its daily operations. It consists of an adenosine molecule and three inorganic phosphates.After a simple …
Energy for Exercise: Energy Systems and ATP Resynthesis Energy for Exercise: Energy Systems and ATP Resynthesis Energy for Exercise. The body requires energy to perform all activity, …