För att fånga upp alla vetenskapliga studier som studerat en prediktionsmodell för karies eller parodontit genomfördes litteratursökningar i slutet av 2023 och början av 2024. Efter en granskning av den litteratur som sökningen gav identifierades en systematisk översikt och ytterligare tio primärstudier som studerat prediktionsmodeller ...
ECMWF is the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. We are both a research institute and a 24/7 operational service, producing global numerical weather predictions and other data for our Member and Co-operating States and the broader community. The Centre has one of the largest supercomputer facilities and meteorological data archives in the world.
In order to solve the problems of low prediction accuracy and inability to achieve long-term prediction in traditional coal mine gas concentration prediction, this paper proposes a new gas concentration prediction framework based on the problem of independent gate units of traditional Long Short Time Memory (LSTM) neural network—"Trend Prediction-Time Point …
After the docker container is started, you can exit using exit.If you use the -d mode, docker will be placed in the background. You can enter the container through docker attach PRnet.After stopping the container, start the container with docker start PRnet.You also can use docker exec -it PRnet /bin/bash to enter the container.
Cloud computing enables clients to acquire cloud resources dynamically and on demand for their cloud applications and services. For cloud providers, especially, Software as a Service (SaaS) providers, the prediction of future cloud resource requirements, such as CPU usage for their cloud applications, to implement client requests is a complex task because it …
This study proposes an efficient prediction model for the vibration generated by underground railways. The proposed model is based on an analytical approach for a tunnel in a horizontally multi-layered half-space, showing the advantage …
Accurate ultra-short-term photovoltaic (PV) power prediction is crucial for ensuring the power grid''s stable operation and economic dispatch. This study proposes a PV power prediction model based on modal reconstruction and bidirectional long and short-term memory network stacked convolutional neural network with embedded attentional mechanism …
Predicting the thermal sensations of building occupants is challenging, but useful for indoor environment conditioning. In this study, a data-driven thermal sensation prediction model was developed using three quality-controlled thermal comfort databases. Different machine-learning algorithms were compared in terms of prediction accuracy and rationality. …
Erinra att en prediktionsmodell skall utbildas ("tränas") i en datamängd (training set) men utvärderas i en annan datamängd (validation set). Training set och validation set kan hämtas från samma ursprungliga studiepopulation, …
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the output curve of the S function is flat at both ends, and the middle portion is sharply intersected. When x < −5, f(x) is close to 0, when x >+ 5, f (x) is close to 1; and when < −5x <+ 5, f (x) really plays a role pared with the step function, the S function has a "softness" in terms of form, and the function is differentiable from a …
För att få realistiska skattningar för ett problem som detta är det viktigt att de statistiska modellerna kan efterlikna datan. En viktig del i min forskning är därför att ta fram nya …
The uneven settlement of the surrounding ground surface caused by subway construction is not only complicated but also liable to cause casualties and property damage, so a timely understanding of the ground settlement deformation in the subway excavation and its prediction in real time is of practical significance. Due to the complex nonlinear relationship …
The landslide displacement prediction method can be divided into mathematical modeling and mechanical modeling methods [6], [7] cause the mathematical modeling method is simpler and more applicable than the mechanical modeling method, it is favored by geological or geotechnical practitioners.
samtida rumslig (geograf isk) variation. Detta antagande uppfylls inte alltid, av flera skäl, bland annat (1) att förändringar i artutbredning ofta sker över mycket längre tidsskalor än de som …
Many crucial tasks in weather prediction require large-scale and long-term spatio-temporal predictions. However, these tasks usually face three challenges: high feature redundancy, dependence of long-term prediction, and complexity in spatial relations of geographical location. To overcome these challenges, the Graph Evolution-based Spatio …
Addressing the limitations of existing landslide displacement prediction models in capturing the dynamic characteristics of data changes, this study introduces a novel dynamic displacement ...
How to predict precipitation accurately and efficiently is the key and difficult problem in the field of weather forecasting. At present, we can obtain accurate meteorological data through many high-precision weather sensors …
Erinra att en prediktionsmodell skall utbildas ("tränas") i en datamängd (training set) men utvärderas i en annan datamängd (validation set). Training set och validation set kan hämtas …
In the 21st century, prediction has advanced tremendously. On the basis of observations and theory, we have built models that predict the evolution of weather systems to warn of local extreme events from hours to days in advance, models that predict global weather with lead times up to 2 weeks, models that predict climate anomalies for the next season, and …
Accurately predicting the compressive strength of rock (RCS) is crucial for the construction and maintenance of rock engineering. However, RCS prediction based on single machine learning (ML) algorithms often face issues such as parameter sensitivity and inadequate generalization. To address these challenges, a new (RCS) prediction model based on a …
a, CHIEF is a generalizable machine learning framework for weakly supervised histopathological image analysis IEF extracts pathology imaging representations useful for cancer classification ...
3 Svenska forskares syn på hantering av rumsliga data - enkätundersökning 2021 Ulf Jansson & Anders Moberg Stockholms universitet och Svensk nationell datatjänst
Short-term precipitation forecasting methods are mainly divided into statistical forecasting, numerical model-based forecasting, and radar image extrapolation techniques. The two methods based on statistical prediction and numerical model have the disadvantages of being unstable and generating large errors. Therefore, this study proposes the use of deep learning …
• Fokus på fortsatt utveckling av prediktionsmodell • Demonstrera potentiella skillnader längs en älvsträcka • Utreda förekomst av rumslig spridning av islasten längs en damm + ev. utveckla mätkoncept • Examensarbete (analys mätdata, numerisk modellering)
Vidare tas en enkel prediktionsmodell fram för ett fiktivt scenario där kommande sänkningar av gränsvärdet antas vara baserat på hur minimikravet på energiprestanda sänkts genom åren.
Figur 1-1 Förenklad bild av en prediktionsmodell Modeller som enbart förutsäger det dimensionerande istrycket är svåra att utvärdera då det kräver tillgång till det maximala …
The evaporation duct is a special atmospheric stratification that significantly influences the propagation path of electromagnetic waves at sea, and hence, it is crucial for the stability of the radio communication systems. …