Recently, a number of studies have been confirmed that the addition of ABO 3-type linear dielectrics in NBT-based ceramics systems, can efficiently boost their energy …
Enhance polymer production with Pall''s complete line of porous metal filter elements, offering precision filtration for fibers, films, and resins.
Professor Walter Lewin vid MIT demonstrerar hur mekanisk energi bevaras med hjälp av en pendlande metallkula. (MIT Course 8.01)Energiprincipen (eller lagen om energins bevarande) …
Having highly tunable molecular topology is one of the most important characteristics of polymers that provides these materials with a wide range of interesting and …
Metallized film capacitors towards capacitive energy storage at elevated temperatures and electric field extremes call for high-temperature polymer dielectrics with high …
A brand new substance, which could reduce lithium use in batteries, has been discovered using artificial intelligence (AI) and supercomputing.
Ring polymer molecular dynamics (RPMD) calculations for the C(1D)+H2 reaction are performed on the Zhang-Ma-Bian ab initio potential energy surfaces (PESs) rece
Wenxuan Wang. State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, CAS Research/Education Center for …
Polymer film capacitors are usually limited to relatively low working temperatures due to the large conduction loss of polymer dielectrics under high thermal stress. Here, a polymer dielectric …
With the rapid evolution of small-scale devices, the effect of size dependence on elastic deformation becomes more and more obvious. Furthermore, the physical processes …
Natural environment hosts a considerable amount of accessible energy, comprising mechanical, thermal, and chemical potentials. Environment-induced …
Polymer flooding is one of the most successful chemical EOR (enhanced oil recovery) methods, and is primarily implemented to accelerate oil production by sweep improvement. However, additional benefits have …
Stationary laser speckles. Figure 2a shows a 2D laser speckle image of a polystyrene gel swollen in cyclohexane at a temperature where cyclohexane is a good solvent …
New polymer electrolyte membrane for medium-temperature fuel cell applications based on cross-linked polyimide Matrimid and hydrophobic protic ionic liquid
Energimyndigheten skulle vilja använda webbanalyskakor i syfte att löpande förbättra webbplatsen. Samtycker du till det? Du kan när som helst ändra ditt val. För att återkalla ditt …
Advanced Materials, one of the world''s most prestigious journals, is the home of choice for best-in-class materials science for more than 30 years.
Polymeric-based dielectric materials hold great potential as energy storage media in electrostatic capacitors. However, the inferior thermal resistance of polymers leads to …
Polymer dielectrics are considered promising candidate as energy storage media in electrostatic capacitors, which play critical roles in power electrical systems involving …
In this work, we report that a polymer dielectric sandwiched by medium-dielectric-constant, medium-electrical-conductivity (σ) and medium-bandgap nanoscale …
High electroluminescence of acceptors can effectively decrease nonradiative energy losses and improve the performance of organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells. Pyrrole ring is a promising …
Poly(d, l-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) has been used in various areas, such as the controlled release of encapsulated drugs, tissue engineering (Oh and Lee, 2007, Wang et …
Polymer-based film capacitors play key roles in numerous applications, such as converter/inverter systems in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), smart grids, and pulsed power sources. However, …
Polymer flooding is an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) method used to increase oil recovery from oil reservoirs beyond primary and secondary recovery. Although it is one of the most well-established methods of EOR, …
Energi er det som kan få noko til å skje. Energi kjem i ulike former og kan omdannast frå ei form til ei anna. Energi kan også overførast frå ein gjenstand eller eit system til eit anna. Eit menneske kan få tilført energi frå mat …
1 Introduction. Today, piezoelectric materials have increasingly become popular due to their various engineering applications such as sensors, actuators, and energy harvesters (EHs).
Safe and efficient hydrogen-carrying and -storing materials are in high demand for future hydrogen-based energy systems. Series of hydrogen carriers have been studied and …
Multi-functional polymer gel materials based on thermal phase change materials (PCMs) are rapidly advancing the application of thermal energy storage (TES) in energy-saving …
Desirable properties of polymer electrolyte (PE) and polymer-alkali-cation complex in particular, are high concentration of polar groups and low glass-transition …
C–H/C–I direct arylation reactions for monomer synthesis and C–H/C–Br direct arylation polycondensation were investigated for the short-step synthesis of promising medium …
Teknologi masa depan yang berpotensi sebagai sistem penyedia daya adalah fuelcell. Teknologi fuelcell yang mengkonversikan energi kimia menjadi energi listrik secara elektrokimia …
Herein, we reported the synthesis of TiO2 through different non-hydrolytic sol-gel (NHSG) routes in viscous polymer media. For the first time, the influence of the polymer nature …
The reaction Cl + CH 4 → HCl + CH 3, a prototypical bimolecular reaction, has been established as an important proving ground for studying chemical reaction kinetics and …
Svensk författningssamling (SFS) innehåller gällande lagar och förordningar. Om en författning ändras ersätts den gamla texten med den nya.
A high-performance gel polymer electrolyte prepared via a facile in situ ring-opening polymerization strategy is innovatively developed for rechargeable magnesium …
This review focuses on various strategies that enable the crosslinking and post-crosslinking of polymers, excluding crosslinking obtained by radiation (e.g., X-ray, UV, etc.) …
Danmarks største energiselskab med 1,2 mio. kunder. Skift trygt i dag. Få en løsning, der passer til dig - og hjælp til at spare på energien.
Pumpkraftverk. Med ett pumpkraftverk kan elektrisk energi lagras genom att pumpa vatten från en lägre placerad reservoar till en högre. Energin är då lagrad som lägesenergi och utvinns …
Owing to the stable electrolyte–electrode interface, the FLB showed 87.7% capacity retention and 99.6% Coulombic efficiency after 1,000 charge–discharge cycles (Fig. …