Global organisation
där en stor andel av svenskarna säger sig vara positiva till vindkraft, men där förslag att etablera sagda energikälla i närheten av ens bostad möts av motstånd, benämns här som en NIMBY …

Does NIMBY affect energy infrastructure siting?

Scholars have investigated the NIMBY phenomenon in the context of energy infrastructure siting—as well as many other contexts [ 38 ]—for many decades.

What is the NIMBY phenomenon?

The NIMBY phenomenon typically exists within either an environmental context or a social context (e.g., Davis & Bali, 2008), although frequently the two are considered together (see, e.g., Burningham, 2000). The environmental context involves environmental well-being and/or environmental (i.e., public) health.

Does NIMBYism explain attitudes toward energy infrastructure?

As a consequence, our review of scores of NIMBY studies leaves us unable to reach a firm conclusion, one way or the other, on the role of NIMBYism in explaining attitudes toward energy infrastructure in general, let alone on how this might differ across technologies or specific project characteristics.

Does NIMBYism support energy technologies?

Here we can observe that scholars more often focus on NIMBYism than general support for most energy technologies, but especially for transmission and distribution lines, fossil fuels, wind, nuclear, and solar.

Does NIMBYism overlap with energy support or opposition?

Two different researchers conducted this search and we compared their results to find an overlap of over 94% of the articles. The combined sample included 188 studies published between 1990 and July, 2017 that were, at the most general level, relevant to NIMBYism and energy support or opposition.

What causes NIMBY objections?

NIMBY objections stem from external motivations that are not directly related to the proposed project, such as political or economic interests. 6. In your opinion, in what ways or methods can or should the state manage the NIMBY phenomenon?

NIMBY: Borta bra men hemma orört. Lokalt vindkraftsmotstånd …

där en stor andel av svenskarna säger sig vara positiva till vindkraft, men där förslag att etablera sagda energikälla i närheten av ens bostad möts av motstånd, benämns här som en NIMBY …

Heterogeneity of railway facilities'' NIMBY effect based on housing ...

Quantitative study on the spatial effect of urban not in my backyard (NIMBY) facilities has great practical significance for urban land planning and spatial layout and living environment …

Hoe vermijd je NIMBY? Gebruik deze vier tips

Wat is NIMBY? NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) is een vorm van verzet waarmee ontwikkelaars, lokale overheden en overheden bekend zijn. Een ''NIMBY''-bewoner heeft misschien geen …

(: Not In My Back Yard,NIMBY,""。Locally Unwanted Land Use,LULU;Not On Our Streets,NOOS),( …

De la réfutation de l''effet NIMBY considérée comme une ...

Les conflits autour du paysage se distinguent des autres conflits environnementaux par leur dimension spatiale. Les militants qui revendiquent la préservation d''une nature spatialisée, …

Psychological parameters to understand and manage the NIMBY …

DOI: 10.1016/J.ERAP.2005.02.009 Corpus ID: 55992583; Psychological parameters to understand and manage the NIMBY effect @article{Pol2006PsychologicalPT, …

Measuring the NIMBY effect in urban China: the case of waste

China is experiencing fast urbanization and its urban citizens'' growing concern for urban disamenity has imposed a serious challenge for the urban management. This paper …

Kjernekraft er naturens beste venn

KRONIKK: En omfattende analyse av 870 kraftverk verden over viser at kjernekraft er en soleklar vinner i å beskytte økosystemer, mens bioenergi er en sikker taper. ...

(PDF) Study on the architectural design of a new type of waste ...

Study on the architectural design of a new type of waste incineration power plant based on NIMBY effect. July 2021; IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science …

NIMBY: Konflikte um die Verteilung von Risiken, Gefahren und …

NIMBY – not in my backyard, nicht in meinem Hinterhof – ist ein Akronym aus dem Englischen, mit dem das Phänomen der Ablehnung von Infrastruktureinrichtungen im …

Same projects, different endings—Comparative case studies on …

NIMBY phenomenon reflects tension between the decision-maker and the residents (Luloff, Albrecht, & Bourke, 1998). This tension naturally has a spill-over effect, …

SNS Analys 84. Is NIMBYism Standing in the Way of the Clean …

»Det lapptäcke av processer och regler som styr i de här sammanhangen blir bara mer och mer omodernt«, säger han. Rapporten ges ut inom SNS forskningsprojekt …

Can We Alleviate the NIMBY Effect in Mining?

Given the resistance of local communities to mineral extraction ("Not in My Back Yard" NIMBY), the energy transition and the new global economic model, which …

Activism or egotism? A critical view of the NIMBY phenomenon

Based on a review of the literature on energy infrastructure NIMBY, interviews with key informants, documents, and media analysis, this article analyzes the NIMBY …

Psychological parameters to understand and manage the NIMBY …

The NIMBY effect implies processes such as perceived risk, cognition, attribution, attitudes, social behaviour, or quality of life that should be borne in mind when analysing …

091.(Not In My Back Yard Effect,NIMBY Effect)

(Not In My Back Yard Effect,NIMBY Effect) 、、、、, …

Not in my back yard

Grunnen til at vi ikke regner denne endringen som NIMBY, er rett og slett at de er nøytrale, de sier ikke Not in my back yard. Hvis i vi derimot tar med de som stiller seg nøytrale til at vi har ulv i Norge, men som ville mislike å ha dem i naturen …

Not In My Backyard: lokaal, maar niet individualistisch?

In dit artikel hebben we het over het concept NIMBY, ook wel het NIMBY-syndroom genoemd. NIMBY is een afkorting voor ''Not In My Backyard'', wat zoveel wil zeggen …

NIMBY-Proteste bei Infrastrukturprojekten

Für Proteste dieser Art kann jedoch nicht nur der NIMBY-Effekt herhalten. Zahlreiche weitere, teils implizite Faktoren bewegen die betroffenen Bürgerinnen und Bürger dazu, ihre Stimme zu …

Står NIMBY:ism i vägen för övergången till ren energi?

Reformer av den fragmenterade planeringsprocessen borde ha genomförts tidigare på många platser där lokala intressen ofta bortser från eller tonar ner den stora samhälle - liga betydelsen …

Unveiling the NIMBY effect in construction and demolition waste ...

Although personal interest was not the most critical factor affecting the NIMBY effect in C&DW landfilling, it re-explained the definition of the NIMBY effect; that is, residents …

A new theory for the explanation of the NIMBY effect

In the last decades several attempts were introduced to explain NIMBY effects and some of their correlates. Some acronyms, (i.e., LULY, BANANA, etc.) try, unsuccessfully, …

Akzeptanz in der Energiewende

Ein Beispiel für den NIMBY-Effekt wäre die Aussage einer Person, dass die Nutzung von Windenergie notwendig und sinnvoll sei und man deren weiteren Ausbau auch …

(PDF) Measuring the NIMBY effect in urban China: the case of …

This study undertook the urban immovable property valuation in two major cities of Punjab; Lahore and Faisalabad, using big data and advanced spatial analysis techniques to …

De la réfutation de l''effet NIMBY considérée comme une pratique ...

Revue française de science politique De la réfutation de l''effet NIMBY considérée comme une pratique militante. Notes pour une approche pragmatique de l''activité

NIMBY-Effect Evaluation Method of Urban Municipal Infrastructures

The result shows that the NIMBY-effect spatial varies significantly in Haidian District, and the NIMBY-index is high in the south and low in the north, which has a close relationship with …

The result shows that the NIMBY-effect spatial varies significantly in Haidian District, and the NIMBY-index is high in the south and low in the north, which has a close relationship with …

Står NIMBY:ism i vägen för övergången till ren energi?

En genomgripande omställning av det globala energisystemet pågår just nu i takt med att renare och förnybara energikällor – främst sol och vind – ersätter fossila bränslen.

Explaining "NIMBY" Objections to a Power Line:

Devine-Wright P. (2011a). Introduction. In Devine-Wright P. (Ed.), Public engagement with renewable energy: From NIMBY to participation (pp. xxi-xxx). London, …

Explainer: NIMBY-effekten | Det sker, at kommunen vil bygge

Det sker, at kommunen vil bygge noget nyt i lokalområdet. Men ofte bliver projekterne mødt af modstand fra utilfredse borgere, som ikke vil have fx...


,"",not in my back yard(NIMBY), …

Kapittel 19: Kjernekraft i Norge?

Vi snakker altså om en motsatt NIMBY- effekt. ... DNV foreslår kun marginale utvidelser av regulerbar effekt i sin prognose, og belager seg på økt nettkapasitet til …