A study by Barnett et al. (Science 335, 342–344 (2012)) found that following cell division, germinal centre B cells asymmetrically segregate molecules involved in B cell fate, as well as the ancestral polarity protein PKCζ. This results in unequal daughter cells.
The GC-derived plasma cells circulate to the bone marrow and secrete antigen-specific antibodies to become long-lived plasma cells that provide long-term protection against specific antigens . B cell differentiation is tightly controlled by a transcription regulation network.
The GC can be polarized into the dark zone, where B cells undergo somatic hypermutation (SHM) at the variable regions of the BCR genes and clonal expansion, or the light zone, where B cells go through affinity maturation via interaction with Tfh cells and follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) to select B cell clones with high affinity BCRs .
Naive B cells express both B cell receptors (BCRs) for antigen and Toll-like receptors (TLRs; depicted as the intracellular TLRs) that respond to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). In the presence of antigen alone (left), B cells internalize, process and present antigen on MHC class II molecules.
Subsequent studies showed that GC-independent memory B cells that were mainly IgM positive were derived directly from a multipotential precursor cell early in the immune response and that these same precursors also gave rise to GC-dependent, switched immunoglobulin-positive memory B cells late in the response 12.
The authors discuss the formation of two main ‘walls’ of B cell memory to protect against pathogen reinfection. The first wall comprises high-affinity antibodies produced by long-lived plasma cells, while the second wall is formed by memory B cells.
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Here, we explain how B cell memory is generated by infection and vaccination, what influences its efficacy and its persistence, and how characterizing these parameters in the immune response to severe acute …
The production of immunosuppressive cytokines is attributed to a specialized subset of B cells known as regulatory B cells, or "Bregs," which via the provision of cytokines such as IL-10, IL-35, and TGFβ restrain the …
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Studies have been conducted in vitro and using advanced animal models to elucidate the mechanism underlying the generation of memory B cells (MBCs), the precise …
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Terminally differentiated B cell, the plasma cell, is the sole cell type capable of producing antibodies in our body. Over the past 30 years, the identification of many key molecules controlling B cell activation and …
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In phase 1, antigenic stimulation through B cell antigen receptors (BCRs) induces naive B cells to differentiate into short-lived plasma cells and GC B cells in the B cell …
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B cells are activated by two temporally distinct signals, the first provided by the binding of antigen to the B cell antigen receptor (BCR), and the second provided by helper T cells.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination among all infants at birth, unvaccinated children younger than …
The role that B cell receptor (BCR) signaling plays in selection within germinal centers (GCs) is not well understood. Here, Chen et al. demonstrate that BCR signaling is necessary for the survival and priming of …
Regulatory B cells (Bregs) are a functionally distinct B-cell subset involved in the maintenance of homeostasis and inhibition of inflammation. Studies, from the last two decades, …
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