Smallholder farmers, who mostly engage in low-value agriculture in the drylands of Northern Africa, were the first to have felt the effects of climate change, with threats to their livelihoods and food security. The increasing costs of agricultural production, poor water and energy infrastructure, loss of agricultural land due to urban expansion, fragmented resource …
The ecosystem services approach has become the dominant criterion for studying human and natural relationships, but this and similar approaches concentrate on the human advantage giving little or no regard for the well-being of the ecosystem. ... Herendeen RA (1996) Embodied energy analysis and EMERGY analysis: a comparative view. Ecol Econ 19: ...
Ecosystem management and careful evidence-based restoration and stewardship have the potential to play major roles in climate change mitigation and adaptation. However, ecosystem-based solutions will be far from sufficient and there is still an urgent need to address the fossil fuel emissions problem as the primary approach to halting climate ...
The energy analysis of agro-ecosystems from the view point of energy flow is a quantitative study on the function of agro-ecosystem, and is one of the most important aspects in agro-ecosystem study. In this paper, the history and some current progresses of energy analysis on agro-ecosystems were rev …
Ecosystem Analysis An ecological system has a richly detailed budget of inputs and outputs of energy and matter. Because of the lack of precise information about these relationships and the internal functions that maintain the eco system, it is often difficult to assess the impact of human activities on the ...
There were inadequate data to complete a meta-analysis on the effects of non-food bioenergy crops on cultural ecosystem services, and few generalizable conclusions from a systematic review of the ...
The energy flow of ecosystem means the pathway energy takes to move from one organism to another in an ecosystem.The energy flow of an ecosystem is a fundamental concept of ecological studies. The direction of flow …
Integrative and spatialized tools for studying the effects of a wide variety of ecosystem drivers are needed to implement ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning. We developed a tool for analyzing the direct and indirect effects of anthropic activities on the structure and functioning of coastal and marine ecosystems. Using innovative modelling …
An ecosystem that allows consumers to buy their energy directly from peers or electricity retailers using the blockchain and smart contracts [31]. 1. P2P energy trading platform. 2. Promote the use of "synergy" and "marketplace 2.0," which are web and mobile application interfaces that let people make smart contracts with their energy providers. 4:
A central issue in the study of the ecosystem’s structure and functioning is the analysis of the processes governing the production of organic matter, the flow of energy and the cycling of nutrient resources. To achieve these goals for ecosystems in different...
The model provides the energy balance in the global ecosystems in light of the increase of human population. Accordingly, the human population is expected to reach 9.3 …
Energianalys av biogassystem Berglund, Maria (författare) Lund University,Lunds universitet,Miljö- och energisystem,Institutionen för teknik och samhälle,Institutioner vid …
Applying the concept of ecosystem energetics to a grassland biodiversity experiment, the authors show that the storage and flow of energy across the whole trophic …
att förhindra att jordens medeltemperatur fortsätter stiga och skada ekosystem samt den biologiska mångfalden (Bengtsson, 2020). Biogasen kan användas både till fordonsbränsle, …
The emergy of metabolism in the same ecosystem (maize) under different environmental conditions. Xiajie Zhai Huan Zhao +9 authors Kun Wang. Environmental Science, Agricultural and Food Sciences. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018; 16. PDF. Save. Emergy analysis of the blue and green water resources in crop production systems.
Transfer efficiency is a key parameter describing ecosystem structure and function and is used to estimate fisheries production; however, it is also one of the most uncertain parameters. Questions remain about how habitats, food resources, fishing pressure, spatiotemporal scales, as well as temperature, primary production, and other climate drivers …
Losses of biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems have been documented across continents, biomes, clades and ecosystem compartments 1.Tropical ecosystems are among the most threatened globally ...
The carbon cycle of a terrestrial ecosystem. [6] Beginning with photosynthesis, water (blue) and carbon dioxide (white) from the air are taken in with solar energy (yellow), and are converted into plant energy (green). [7] 100×10 15 grams of carbon/year fixed by photosynthetic organisms, which is equivalent to 4×10 18 kJ/yr = 4×10 21 J/yr of free energy. ...
Marine ecosystems are crucial for human societies because they provide many services such as food provisioning, nutrient regulation, habitat maintenance, and climate mitigation (Peterson and Lubchenco, 1997). Marine ecosystems are subject to pressures from human activities (Halpern et al., 2008) and their subsequent detrimental impacts.
5 · Global ecosystems are currently facing significant challenges and require urgent protection. While energy fuels the economy and society, it often poses threats to terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems due to its resource consumption and pollution. These threats include water consumption, thermal pollution, contamination from coal mines, petroleum …
Transfer efficiency is the proportion of energy passed between nodes in food webs. It is an emergent, unitless property that is difficult to measure, and responds dynamically to environmental and ecosystem changes. Because the consequences of changes in transfer efficiency compound through ecosystems, slight variations can have large effects on food …
Läs mer om energiflödet i ekosystemet påÖvningsuppgifter, ...
The concept of emergy and its use for comparing with energy were discussed in this paper. Emergy was defined as the amount of available energy required directly and indirectly to make a product or services, and emergy analysis was based on the solar emergy units (solar emjoules). Emergy provided the …
Cities are ecosystems, but they are very different from natural ecosystems. An urban ecosystem is human-dominated, and is governed by complex interactions among components as well as a unique regulating and …
"There are no trash cans in nature." This is a useful phrase reminding that waste from one entity is food/input for another. Energy, of course, has a higher dissipative factor in the reuse than material cycles such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and calcium, but still there is a complex network of pathways designed to utilize the energy available in natural ecosystems.
The main forest types are coniferous, broad-leaved, and mixed forests, with approximately 40.5%, 27.0%, and 29.4% of the total forest area in 2018, respectively (KFS, 2019; Kim et al., 2021b) South Korea, land planning and management until 1960s have mainly focused on the resource supply resources for economic development rather than the …
Where does this sublinear pattern stem from? Prior research has shown that, in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, consumer biomass is linearly related to the consumption of basal resource, which in turn is linearly related to the productivity of the basal resource (6, 7).Thus, predator (consumer) biomass and prey (basal resource) productivity are linearly …
An ecological system has a richly detailed budget of inputs and outputs of energy and matter. Because of the lack of precise information about these relationships and the internal functions …
The course uses the textbook Introduction to Energy Analysis (second edition) by prof. dr. K. Blok and dr. E. Nieuwlaar) and a course site with additional information, feedback to exercises and discussion fora on the topics dealt with in the course. Examination of the course consists of assignments to be fulfilled at home.
The requirements were that the ecosystem be a watershed underlain by watertight bedrock or some other relatively impermeable base. In that case, the only inputs to the ecosystem would be meteorologic and biologic; geologic input need not be considered because there is no transfer by gravity between adjacent watersheds on an ecological timescale.
Energy holds a key role in farm systems. Cultivation is based on the conversion of solar energy into biomass of interest. Fossil energy allows mechanized and high-yield agricultural production system, but has a strong impact on climate change, and its supply is compromised in the next decades. Energy flows stand between two worlds: while energy is a …
Our systematic review and meta-analysis followed established protocols [] the biodiversity meta-analysis, studies were assessed on the inclusion of the following: (a) primary data of the biodiversity impact of food-based agricultural land-use (arable or managed grazing, defined to include permanent, semi-permanent, and rotation grassland) converted to a second …
Network analysis applied to large-scale cyber-ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 171 (4), 329-337 75. Functional integration of ecological network s through pathway proliferation.
as the relationship between ecosystem variables has become increasingly unstable recently. Also, another nding suggest that the impact of the pandemic generated 4% less value of GDP and 6% less value of the Romanian energy ecosystem 108478 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:108477–108511
I ett ekosystem flödar energin. Fråga eleverna, varifrån kommer energin? Från solen!
A seminar organized at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on "Enhancing Cybersecurity – The Role of Innovation Ecosystems" in the year 2019, emphasized the need for an innovation ecosystem to develop a resilient cybersecurity system for the energy sector (Smith, 2018). However, such innovation needs collaboration among different interest …
The harmonious co-existence in ecosystems has inspired the notion of industrial ecology as a paradigm for the improvement of exergetic efficiencies and complete utilization of resources. The exergy-environment nexus and the implications of exergy analyses on sustainable development are critically examined in this chapter.